Atari Pilot New Single

A drifting retrospection of sonic electronica new wave from Swindon’s purveyors of cool, Atari Pilot, is out today. A single with a Peter Pan fashioned postulation anyone within their target audience would surely identify with, despite the title sounds a bit too mathematical!

If 4x /22 equals 88 back in class, rather this tune refers to the immature wishes of a forty something supposing they’re going on twenty-two; in your dreams, pal! But in most middle age dreams, I’d imagine.

Going by the song that’d pitch me at the mental age of early thirties and I can shrug, mentally I’d wish younger still, but not so much that I’d be back at school, no, thank you. About twenty-five would suit me, please, Atari Pilot, make it so. Failing that, just continue prodding my time travelling reverie with your catchy tunes!

Even if I’d consequently be but a Sega Megadrive gamer at that era, with a blue mohican, collecting golden rings with gusto, rather than an Atari pilot per-say, it’s still a nice thought to plant in my mind, and done nicely with a beguiling grower of a track.

It’s up as a name-your-price download on Bandcamp, give it a whirl, you big kid, you! 


Devizes Arts Festival Rules, OK?!

Alas, it’s been a long week since the Devizes Arts Festival called time. It feels a little like when my Dad would take the Christmas…

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