Epic Fail, Devizes Burglar Steals Doormat!

Okay so, we’ve had the cat burglar, now we’ve got the mat burglar! In a Facebook post to make you wonder if you’ve travelled back in time to April 1st, Devizes Police reported an appeal for identification of a man who attempted a burglary in the early hours of August 27th at Lower Wharf. His surprised looking mug was caught on door-cam, best guess causing him to flee without gaining entry to the property. But not wanting to go home empty-handed, the guy made off with just the doormat!

Anyone with information should call 101 and quote reference number 54230090420, and though we shouldn’t joke about the incident, being burglary is no laughing matter, and our sympathies go out to the persons affected, the end result of this story is too tempting not to. Unless, of course, the burglar is Aladdin and this was his getaway vehicle, I can’t see the logic in taking the doormat, only out of spite for the homeowner having a camera to deter him, perhaps.

All morning I’ve been trying to put myself in his clown shoes to understand why I would think in that circumstance, “ah-ha a doormat, I’m having that!” But fear, a town with a Wilkos no longer, this was bound to happen at some point. Are doormats now a sought-after item on the black market? Has anyone approached you to ask you if you want to buy a doormat recently?!

But most concerning of all is the way of the world today, seemingly living by social media trends; could this entice copycat, or copymat, even crimes? Should we do more to protect our doormats? They are, after all, loyal servants to our dirty boots, and should yours go mysteriously missing, would it cause you great upset? The mind boggles, least mine does!

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