Arts Festival’s Rumour Fringing at the Free Crowns!

Once Devizes folk had their fill of vintage cars and side stalls at the popular annual Lions on Green family event, and the sun took a nosedive behind clouds, many refreshed themselves at the Three Crowns, where Devizes Arts Festival held one of their many free fringe events….

Americana trio Rumour from the Black Country, pitched up in the yard with a breezy underlying familiarity to their sound. As the name suggests, covers were Fleetwood Mac top-heavy but delivered beautifully amidst a few other classics and some blended original material. Couldn’t fault them if I tried.

There was a drifting river blues subtly in their sound, fused with the easy side of rock classics; a perfect fit for a Sunday afternoon in the universally popular tavern. We love a bit of rock classics just as we much as we love The Three Crowns and the Arts Festival. Just, y’know, got a lot a love to go round!

Another inviting and social event for The Arts Festival, continuing through next week; grab some tickets.

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