A View to a Thrill

“The Thrill of Love” at the Wharf Theatre

by Ian Diddams
images by Chris Watkins Media

Just over a year ago, the Wharf theatre performed a sell out show “Ladies Day” written by Amanda Whittington. In less than a month’s time they are to revisit the same playwright’s work, with her drama “The Thrill of Love” featuring the turbulent and tragic story of the nightclub hostess and later manageress Ruth Ellis.

The story revolves around five characters – Doris Judd (Mitzi Baehr) , cleaner, Detective Inspector Jack Gale (Sean Andrews),  Vickie Martin (Jess Whiley), club hostess, Sylvia Shaw (Mari Webster), club manageress and of course, Ruth Ellis (Freddie Underwood). Directed by Debby Wilkinson.

This evening I was privy to a rehearsal, watching the cast working through several key scenes. I arrived as Debby and Freddie were discussing the shooting scene – straight into the core of the plot – then to a discussion about Ruth’s taking control of her own “Little Club”. A request for biographies to the cast for the program, and then we were onto the stage.

The set is taking shape – the nightclub takes centre stage with tables, chairs, lamps, a bar, a record player…  parquet flooring to come blurring into the extremities where prison cell, police interview rooms and the outside world are positioned. It’s a simple set but everything is pertinent, in place and neither too much not too little.

With three weeks to go until run week, it is immediately clear that the cast are not only comfortable with each other but complement each other perfectly. Characterisation is spot on, from world weary Shaw, mirroring Gale, to Martin’s youthful exuberance, Ellis’ glamourous and troubled personality …  and good girl Doris with a heart of gold. I read the superb script a few weeks ago, but these actors are already bringing the written word to life quite wonderfully, all aided and abetted by Debby’s suggestions, tweaks and developments as the evening progressed. Their use of the full depth and width of the stage kept the action flowing beautifully from nightclub to prison cell, to crematorium and back to the club.

The cast are well off book (that’s thesp-speak for “don’t need the script” !!) and while the prompt is used when needed the lines are there.  The production is in a good place.

So with a clever set, top casting, smart direction, and class acting what else does “The Thrill of Love” offer?  How about the sublime music of Billie Holliday? The show is interspersed her songs and cleverly so…  each song underpinning a scene’s messages and plot. It’s a wonderful symbiosis of art, and worthy of watching.

I’ve deliberately not given away too much of the plot this early hoping this piece serves as a teaser – the Wharf’s last three shows were all sell-outs and this one deserves to sell-out too. I’ll be back for a full review at the start of show week but don’t wait for that fuller review … I urge you to get tickets early while you can. You will not be disappointed.

Trust me…   I’m a reviewer 😉

“The Thrill of Love”, by Amanda Whittington, is performed at The Wharf Theatre between May 13th and May 18th, at 1930 each evening. Tickets are available from the Wharf website at https://www.wharftheatre.co.uk/show/the-thrill-of-love, or from Devizes Library.