Drag Queen Story Time in Swindon Sparks Counter Protest

By T.B.D Rose

The LGBTQIA+ community bravely showed their support for Drag Queen Story Hour at the Wyvern Theatre yesterday, by staging a counter protest to the fascists who were blasting bigoted lies accusing drag performers of being groomers and of sexualising children, when in fact, pantomime dames and drag queens have been a staple of family entertainment for decades.….

Attacking drag queen events is clearly camouflage for a campaign of homophobia (according to Swindon Advertiser, one fascist could be heard saying that: “It’s against the natural order for a man to be with another man”) directed at all LGBTQ friendly venues and spaces, and fascist scapegoating of minority groups is always a Trojan horse to normalise violent political repression.

The discrimination LGBTQIA+ people experience in society and even from their own families is endemic and a truth those comfortable with heteronormative privilege such as myself can never fully understand, which is exactly why we all need to do what we can to allow people
to live their lives and be themselves unencumbered by prejudice or bullying of any kind.

Businesses and supermarkets putting up rainbow flags, nice as it is to see, is not enough when the government, media, and extremist groups are expressly targeting anything and everything LGBTQ.

Pride is a protest and a wonderful expression of community, let’s keep it that way until homophobia is history and love is the order of the day on a fair and free planet. This article is dedicated to my loved ones in the LGBTQIA community.

For more information on Swindon Pride click HERE.