An evening with Will Kirk at Devizes Arts Festival

Ben Niamor

The format of this, my first foray into this kind of event, see’s BBC radio presenter Sue Davies chatting with Will, the furniture restorer and woodworking maestro from the Repair Shop on the gogglebox. Apparently his first event of this kind too.. Sue has a dry wit and gentle manner well suited to this, as one might expect given her career…..

We are treated to many interesting answers and anecdotes, if this is his first time doing such a thing it does not really show, apart from when he chats himself away from his answer and has her remind him of the question! But that’s only reflective of his genuine joy, and passion for his work. 

He seemed mildly embarrassed to admit the first thing he remembers making were some nunchucks from some of his dad’s chains and a stolen broom handle, so he could swing them like his heroes, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! 

His grandfather used to restore furniture, something he had long forgotten until after he started a met-college furniture course having failed a graphic design first year… twice! 

A successful business in proper antique furniture restoration followed before the TV people came knocking… 

The way he talks openly and positively of his Family in the shed, the Repair shop team is lovely if not perhaps surprising. 80,000 emails so far requests, 9th series in production… and an incredible following.

The tale of the people thinking they can go down..! An old lady with a broken clock, having travelled some way and crestfallen she had misunderstood, but was on the doorstep, so Steve fixed it for her in his lunch break..! Sounds like the sort of warmth and humble humanity that you get from the incredible transformations in the programme.

That was during the airing of series one. Now it’s secure, segregated in the museum most of the time such is the profile now reached. They Film nine months of the year, and he has recently reduced the days given over to the show to be able to be an active dad too. It would be easy to forget what a huge hit he is a part of, he truly comes across as every bit as genuine and lovely as what you see suggests.

In the second half our penned questions were answered , ranging from the obvious to the cheeky, a fun thing to do. Favourite woods, favourite jobs, future ambitions you name it we asked…

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, interesting and a chance to connect in some small way with something I personally love and appreciate. Positive, humble craftspeople making dreams come true, and I’ve met one of them and got my book signed.. brilliant. 

I was pleased to see no entourage with overpriced wares but in fact Devizes Books selling the books at the usual reasonable rrp.

I managed to speak to a couple of arts festival committee members before leaving and thank them for their work and the opportunity; another great event.

The Devizes Arts Festival continues at various venues around town until Saturday 17th June.

Tickets can be booked at Devizes Books or online at


Devizes Arts Festival Rules, OK?!

Alas, it’s been a long week since the Devizes Arts Festival called time. It feels a little like when my Dad would take the Christmas…

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