Box Rocks; Spend August Bank Holiday Monday in Box?

Not a typo, even if my irritating grammar check says it’s so, and not ruling out some might like to spend bank holiday Monday “in a box;” each to their own. But Box Rocks, at the Queen’s Head, in Box is an institution, and this year is looking decidedly tempting…..

Forever a bank holiday Monday thing, Box Rocks actually started on Whitsun in 1994. The idea, concocted over a few drinks between like-minded musicians, was to perform a charity gig on the roof overlooking the gardens and car park at The Queens Head in Box; their very own Apple HQ, Savile Row!  

The First Box Rocks, 1994!

“After the first few years,” they tell, “we were advised that putting musicians and alcohol eight feet in the air was not the best idea, so we moved the stage into the garden at ground level!”

In 2002, due to the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, it was shifted to the August Bank Holiday, and due to its blossoming attraction, moved to the carpark, where it remains to this day, with the slogan “8 bands over 8 hours.”

Over the years Box Rocks has raised thousands of pounds for the RUH Forever Friends appeal and other local charities, the past couple raising over £7,000 for Dorothy House. 

Danni W

But enough of the history, Box Rocks goes ahead come rain or shine, on Monday 28th August this year, it’s a fiver or more donation to the Dorothy House on the gate, no animals except guide dogs, only food and drink purchased on the grounds and under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

Nothing Rhymes With Orange

And the lineup is looking a little something like this: from 2pm the Phoenix River Band kick off, 3pm is Danni W, whose album we recently fondly reviewed but yet to catch live, Tom Petty homage, Petty Minded from 4pm, a fine choice, sirs, Nothing Rhymes With Orange take the 5pm slot, followed by The Sunnies, indie-punkers similarly taking the Sham by storm, and From Jovi at 7pm, which may/may not be a tribute act!

The Sunnies

After dinner, those fantastic Bristolian new wavers The Radio Makers at 8pm, still got their forthcoming album to review, I’m getting to it, honest! And a finale of Fleetwood Mac, with Fleetwood’s Back. So, yeah, might catch you there, if they let me out of my box.


Devizes Arts Festival Rules, OK?!

Alas, it’s been a long week since the Devizes Arts Festival called time. It feels a little like when my Dad would take the Christmas…

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