The Magic Teapot Gathering

Okay, so there must be a truckload of local social and political ranting to cover, but it’s new year’s day, I’m going to waffle about magic teapots…..

When you put out a piece highlighting local festivals happening over the next year it’s inevitable you’ll miss a few, and good folk will email, hoping their shindig can be listed. Naturally, we’re always happy to hear from them, and will endeavour to add them to the list. But being this is such a fantastic concept, and besides, it’s called The Magic Teapot, how could I refuse a little extra attention?!

In the economic plight stationary music venues face troubled times, here’s a mobile venue, which goes from festival to festival, hosting its own little festival inside it; magic indeedy! The Magic Teapot, though, hosts its own annual festival too, happening in the Mendip Hills from the 3rd to 6th May. I put to its creator, the aptly named Joseph Peace, he could put a model of a festival inside the festive teapot, making it like those Russian dolls!

He replied he liked the idea and would ponder it, but more importantly, after I had calmed down from the excitement of hearing from a magic teapot, Joseph told me The Magic Teapot has been running since 2017. “We currently take The Magic Teapot to around 18 festivals each year,” he said, “The Gathering is the only event of our own we currently run, hiring a campsite to do it. It’s quite an undertaking so once a year is enough at the moment. When we get our own land we will be doing regular small events ourselves, hopefully that can happen sooner rather than later, fingers crossed.”

This is the third year of The Magic Teapot Gathering, why am I last to hear about these things?! A totally acoustic, amplifier-free festival in four Magic Teapot structures which can easily accommodate everyone in the case of poor weather. Headliners for 2024 are 3 Daft Monkeys, Noble Jacks and Mobius Loop; lovely. Lots of opportunities to join in with playing and singing and each venue features a real piano and a warming central fire.

You can help with building the wicker man, which burns Saturday night, or join the Maypole dancing on Sunday morning. Ticket price includes camping, car parking, showers, sauna and hot tub. Adult ticket, £100, teen ticket £25, kids free, campervan £15.

Make no mistake just ‘cos it’s new year’s day, I’m partially frazzled and 2024 hasn’t got off to a great start what with my daughter assaulting me with a teacake to the face last night, I absolutely love this festival with charms on, this whole Magic Teapot idea, and I’m all tingly with just how communal and beautiful it all looks; somebody put some dandelions in my hair, pronto!


Devizes Arts Festival Rules, OK?!

Alas, it’s been a long week since the Devizes Arts Festival called time. It feels a little like when my Dad would take the…