Alex Roberts and Fly Yeti Fly @ The Barge Honeystreet

Ben Niamor 

First time for me in the barn venue, it’s a great space. Alex is no stranger to this place, and it feels like a really relaxed gig among friends. Alex played a good bit of material from his most recent release for us, Meridians and superpowers, the title track among the very best. And a mix of older songs and the odd cover. 

I love One More Miracle, inspired by terrorist legislation changes a little way back and how Jesus,  should he of come back at that time, could have been mistaken for a terrorist.. as usual some deeper thinking with wry humour infused to keep it positive and the lyrics flowing. 

“He said he couldn’t walk on water, I said he should learn to surf like me..!?” Understated and reflective as we have come to expect. 

Hacking back to the wild – about the peregrine falcon, words reflecting on the beauty and majesty of wild birds of prey. 

Love too strong, a sincere note of adulation to his wife. Sharing such a heartfelt song whilst his muse is in the room is a wonderfully inclusive thing to offer the rest of us, and always feels special somehow. 

I have highlighted but a few of the wonderful songs in this set, enough for any curious mind to look into this incredible musician, an artist I share with many looking for music that’s meaningful and well considered. 

Gorgeous harmonious three piece tonight, Fly Yeti Fly, with a cello alongside. Relatively new to me, but well known in the folk scene, and playing some great venues. A light hearted and delicate touch with the audience, some great songs with a running thread of nostalgia and positivity. 

They sang songs about his dad, his old man a hippy soul, who they quipped if he had visited Honeystreet would most likely never of left, and Blue yonder – a fun ode to the thoughts of our dogs… rousing and I think accurate musing in the mindset of dogs and their wanderlust and passion for adventure and new friends. Something reflected in the lives of many folk fans I think. 

Songs of mischievous mermaids luring Cornish choir boys to the icy depths in an incredibly harmonious manner …

Firewood – about the harder aspects of life on the cut. The cold and the worries of being iced in.

Thankfully most of us will not experience tough times on the water, that result in burning our furniture for warmth. 

But it makes for a bloody good folk song. 

I could ramble on about this lovely band, but this is just a snapshot of a good evenings live music, a fix of the kind of music that helps balance all our daily concerns and strife with some free thinking and perspective often with an historical context. Surely that’s a definition of the folk tradition? And one pleasingly well upheld by these artists and this well established venue. Thank you all.

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