REVIEW – Russ Ballard @ Long Street Blues Club, Con Club, Devizes – Saturday 18th November 2023

LSBC Gave Rock n Roll to Ya!

Review by Andy Fawthorp

The LSBC gigs are coming round thick and fast as the new season gets into full swing.  And there was another packed house last night to welcome the Russ Ballard Band’s first appearance at the club…..

First up was new boy Matt Prior to fill the early support slot.  This was his first outing on stage, and he looked and sounded pretty nervous.  Using guitar, keyboard and backing tracks, Matt worked his way gamely through his set.  I’m not sure that everything worked as well as he might have hoped.  His versions of Bowie’s Life on Mars, Henley’s Boys of Summer and Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road were not really to my taste, but the audience gave him good support and a warm round of applause.

Then on to the main offering of the evening.

Russ Ballard has appeared with several bands over the years (the Roulettes, Unit 4+2 and, most famously, heading up Argent in the late 70s).  But his real claim to fame is the large number of hit songs he’s written and recorded, and which have also been hits for other artists (The Shadows, Argent, Rainbow, Kiss, Hot Chocolate, Hello). It’s actually quite surprising just how many famous songs he’s written.

In a single nearly two-hours long set, backed by a tight 4-piece band, he demonstrated his showmanship, and much of his back catalogue.  In among the less well-known, but still highly catchy and sing-alongable numbers, were many of the rock classics – Back In The New York Groove, Hold Your Head Up, Since You’ve Been Gone and (the ultimate singing the house down encore number) God Gave Rock & Roll To Ya.

The whole set was built on a solid, no-nonsense rock and roll-heavy platform, leavened with keyboard flourishes, and some great throaty vocals.  Every number had its catchy riff, and its strong vocal hook.  It was almost impossible not to sing along and join in the party.  The dance floor at the front filled up, and the band looked and sounded to be really enjoying themselves.  There were no long songs, no rambling improvisations, no drum or bass solos – just straight-up pop-song format short rock & roll songs.  The intros were informative, humorous, and short and punchy.  The band were slick, polished and well-drilled.

Another great booking, and a cracking night out.

Future Long Street Blues Club Gigs

Friday 24th November 2023                        Chicago Blues Trio

Saturday 16th December 2023                    Fullhouse play Frankie Miller

Friday 12th January 2024                              John Primer Band

Saturday 13th January 2024                         Damian Wilson and Adam Wakeman

Saturday 10th February 2024                       The Errol Linton Band

Friday 1st March 2024                                    The Cinelli Brothers

Friday 5th April 2024                                       Ben Poole Band

Saturday 4th May 2024                                  Beaux Gris Gris and the Apocalypse

Saturday 22nd June 2024                              KOSSOFF The Band Plays On


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