12 Bars Later Pop into The Badger Set

Must’ve been a sweaty August night last year at our trusty Southgate, when I turned up on the off chance, and staggered home mightily impressed at the levels of swinging juke joint just one husband and wife boater duo, and their drummer, can belt out.

Albeit Mike and Helen Carter, and drummer Kevin Dempsey, aka 12 Bars Later did covers, and I believe, if memory serves me right, which isn’t often, I admit, but I believe I said you should be producing some originals and Mike replied something along the lines of “it’s in the bag.” Finally, here is said bag, fresh out of Potterne’s Badger Set studio, five gorgeous blues-rock tracks with Helen’s vocals as smooth as Chrissie Hynde munching Turkish delight. I’ll say no more, take a listen and enjoy!

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