Land Ahoy! Jolly Roger Opens Devizes Arts Festival with Fire in the Hole!

Land ahoy me hearties! Devizes Corn Exchange was boarded last night by Cornish punk pirates Jolly Roger, for a frivolous and swashbuckling opening to Devizes Arts Festival; the face that launched a thousand ships was witness to it….

That’s me, if it wasn’t obvious, landlubbers, the face! For although it’s Devizine assemble, to bring you coverage of the forthcoming fortnight of music, comedy, talks and walks, for this splice of the mainbrace you lucky lot have got the toothless editor to shiver yer timbers. And blow me down, those buccaneers battened down the hatches and gave us a cheerful chantey carousel, at least, I liked it!

Under the ethos of what being a pirate in the 21st century means, Jolly Roger is precisely as claimed on the tin, and in that,  the balance between the punk element and shanties of yore will always be a debatable matter. I’d imagine a few elders in the audience favoured them leaning on folk, and a ragged old sailor spinning yarns under gentler rhythms. Yet while themes included pirate subjects and phrases, including Davy Jones’ locker, et al, and they practise audience participation diligently, Jolly Roger are contemporary, and punkish shenanigans offsets the balance. That’s the method I’d savour, and in this it was never cliché.

It was loud and sprightly unpretentious punkish tomfoolery with a pirate theme, yet, at times there was concentrated and thought-provoking narratives in their original material too. Euphoric tunes such as the most poignant Silent Mountain temporarily broke the frenzy, whereas characters like a bloke who props up the bar, conveyed this is a three sheets to the wind partying band to be taken tongue-in-cheek, but, dressed as pirates kinda gave that game away!

It’s not experimenting, rather pounding classic ground akin to Ferocious Dog, joyfully and professionally. For if Adam Ant broke the bitter reality hook of punk by incorporating fun subjects like pirates, native Americans or anything else he read about in Look-In, and folk blended a regional sound we affectionately dub scrumpy and western, here’s a dandy, and fun-filled fusion worthy of your attention. Think the Pouges-lite with a pasty and tricorne, for while there were a few expletives, it was hospitable enough to cater for open minded children of the festival.

Yet, it was a show perhaps best suited for a rowdy corner pub in a Cornish back lane, where the scent of salt air melds with that of wet dog hair carpet; such is our Arts Festival’s penchant for presenting us diversity, noteworthy when scanning the forthcoming programme. There’s something for everyone, it just needs everyone to take heed of this notion and throw away any preconceptions you may have about this wonderful occasion in Devizes. For instance, tonight Lady Nade arrives, an international act hailing from Bristol, who if you haven’t heard before, take it from me, her songwriting skills and soulful expression sublimely blesses Americana in something wholly unique and unmissable. So, tickets are on the door, don’t miss it!

As for Jolly Roger, well it was a superb performance and a grand opening for Devizes Arts Festival. Onlookers gazed at this fiery swashbuckling gang as their infectious jigs ordered them to break rank and jiggle. The band tour extensively across the UK festival circuit, do look out for them, with a telescope in the crow’s nest if necessary! These pirates of Penzance were a fire in the hole, excellently entertaining, me hearties!


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