Robert Vincent & Ryan Davis PAs at Marlborough’s Sound Knowledge

by Ben Niamor

In this town you’re owned.. Well, I was, for a short set in the sun at the superb Sound Knowledge in Marlborough this weekend….

Not for the first time we were treated to a store pa in the shire by Robert Vincent; some knowing and some new faces to see him this time. Songs about leaving the world better off, errant politicians who fail to hold our world together, life, love and more. Whatever you consider his genre, which might depend on which song you are listening to, this short set was a treat.

Widely regarded as Americana, indeed my live introduction at his last appearance here was, with long standing friend of his, Matt Owens, promoting Bath’s Americana Festival. The new record continues a tradition of welcoming tunes that will soon be familiar to me, as the last record is, owing to its regular place in the soundtrack to my life. Largely positive if reflective songs that can be enjoyed regularly.

His Last record came out during Covid, so he couldn’t tour it. Gladly this record came out last week and his joking about aliens coming down or what other widespread drama must come along with another album release, appear to be unfounded concerns!

We were treated to a mixed set with some old favourites, and he played the wonderful demons from his first solo record last. So if the Americana vibe is your thing check him out, they have copies of his records at Sound Knowledge. 

I love this kind of music so I was back Sunday for my second fix, as this weekend was an extra special double header on store pa with the fantastic Ryan Davis next…

Second of the weekend…Ryan Davis

Sunday’s treat was Ryan Davis, on the closing days of a Uk/eu tour. Like a poet who channels the American songwriting tradition, but with a twist, an almost otherworldly aura at times from some looping and effects, used to great effect without being over the top.

Looking into the Louisville based Davis, he’s been in several well regarded bands back home, is a big part of his scene with festival and label responsibilities, but less known this side of the pond. With the variety and popularity of Americana in the Uk, this real deal slice of American music will find legs, a distinct voice, great lyrics and even his own artwork on the cover… No wonder he found himself making an appearance at our own local indie record store.

So, Thank you to the wonderful artists for making a beeline for an indie record store, and thank you to Sound Knowledge for making these things happen, offering us these bonus mini-gigs, the opportunity to get our new records and CDs signed, and supporting quality musicians and artists across genres.

I am a big fan who needs to go more, the welcome, and knowledge and especially at these pa events, an amazing connection with new music, and old favourites.

I’ve got a pretty good list and pile of records, music that Sound Knowledge has brought into my life. Thankyou Roger and his amazing team. Until the next time…

Upcoming InStore events at Sound Knowledge, Marlborough

Saturday 20th July – TOM ODELL ‘Black Friday’ @ the Memorial Hall –

Saturday 10th August – ELLES BAILEY Instore



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