Devizes Parish Wins Prestigious Award for Future Plans

The parish of St John with St Mary in Devizes has won a prestigious award for its plans for St Mary’s Church on New Park Street in the town.

Last Friday, the town centre parish won the Innovation prize at the annual awards of the Diocesan Advisory Committee for Salisbury, the church body which examines and approves proposed changes to churches in most of Wiltshire and Dorset.

Nigel Carter of St Mary’s Devizes Trust said, “We were delighted to win the top prize for ‘Innovation’ for our plans to revitalise St Mary’s, making it fit for a wide range of community and artistic uses for decades to come while remaining a place of worship.”

The Rev’d Gerry Lynch, Curate of St John with St Mary, Devizes said, “Credit for the proposals for the future St Mary’s of winning an award is shared between many people who have put their time, energy, and imagination into ensuring this spectacular Grade I listed building is a blessing for the people of Devizes for generations to come. Both the parish and the St Mary’s Devizes Trust have played an enormous part.”

“Churchgoers and non-churchgoers from a wide range of interests, over many years, have worked so hard and all it’s a pity that all of them couldn’t have come down to Salisbury to receive the award together, as all of them deserved it.”

left-to-right: Nigel Carter, St Mary’s Devizes Trust; the Rt Rev’d Andrew Rumsey, Bishop of Ramsbury; the Rev’d Gerry Lynch, St John with St Mary, Devizes.

Devizine would like to congratulate everyone who has worked so hard on this ambitious and exciting project, and we look forward to a time when the work is complete and a programme of events is on the horizon. Nigel expressed, “we have a formidable fundraising task – similar to that associated with the Assize Courts – so maybe five years before completion.”

Mark Thomas comes to Swindon Arts Centre

Images used with the kind permission of Steve Ullathorne


I’ve been a admirer of the pragmatic Mark Thomas and his satirical cutting-edge comedy since his days guesting on The Mary Whitehouse Experience at the dawn of nineties, end of this month he’s at the Swindon Arts Centre; could you ask for a more apt date?!

I recall with fond nostalgia how he ridiculed and enraged his local McDonalds, or gambled the entire ten grand profit from the previous show on a hopeless outsider at Doncaster, thanking Michael Grade, chief executive of Channel 4 at the time, for allowing him to waste his money. The notion, he stated, was that it was an exhilarating thrill of washing someone else’s money down the toilet, and likened it to the how the Queen must feel at races.

But it’s been a while since stumbling across his name. Hearing this self-dubbed “libertarian anarchist” comedian is heading to the Swindon Arts Centre on Thursday 31st October as part of a work-in-progress tour, before the real thing kicks off in the New Year, I did a little YouTube catching up type research, and found a decade old stand-up show where he the tackles the fox hunting ban, Tony Blair’s move to the right, and the Islamic extremism hot on the world’s lips. He takes no prisoners, dares to go where other comedians would quiver.

MARK THOMAS 2 - Please credit Steve Ullathorne

I have to ponder if the current affairs of a hare-brained conservative ruling, shifting towards nationalism and abandonment of a unification of Europe, simply to maintain billionaire’s tax-free offshore accounts whist politically dividing the country through media-bias, propaganda and blatant fabrications, thus creating a hatred of alternative thinking which even lambasts the very extinction of all life on Earth simply because it’s voiced by a teenage female, is enough ammunition for this cheeky-faced comedian.

The blurb suggests though, his new show, 50 Things About Us will go beyond this, “Mark Thomas combines his trademark mix of storytelling, stand-up, mischief and really, really well researched material to examine how we have come to inhabit this divided wasteland that some of us call the United Kingdom.”

“He picks through the myths, facts and figures of our national identities to ask how we have so much feeling for such a hollow land. Who do we think we are? It is a show about money, history, songs, gongs, wigs, unicorns, guns, bungs, sods of soil and rich people* in the vein of The Manifesto-meets-sweary History Channel.

*(not the adjective Mark has chosen)

MARK THOMAS 3 - Please credit Steve Ullathorne

It sounds like age and the writing of award-winning plays has only in heightened his crusade and hilarious radical sarcasm. I think we can take it as red; he isn’t going to do a Morrissey on us just yet. With a full tour of this show happening next year, here’s something worthy of your attention for the 31st October, what else you going to be doing on that date, eh? Kowtowing Boris Johnson whilst stockpiling baked bean tins before your meds run out?

With an 12+ Age Restriction, tickets are £15.50. Concessions: £2.00 Off, from here.

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Please seek permission from the Devizine site and any individual author, artist or photographer before using any content on this website. Unauthorised usage of any images or text is forbidden.

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