Potterne Vicar Faces Soaking “Baptism!”

by Geoff Baker

It’s going to be a wet weekend whatever the weather for Wiltshire rector Gerry Lynch – as he’s volunteered for a soaking at the Potterne village fete on Saturday June 1st…..

It will be the first church fete for Gerry since he was inducted in January as the new Rector of the Wellsprings Benefice, which covers the parishes of Potterne, Poulshot, Seend, Worton and Bulkington, and he is hoping to make a splash as the star of the Soak The Vicar sideshow.

Gerry is aiming to raise funds for the community and the village’s St. Mary’s Church by inviting fete-goers to throw wet sponges at him at the afternoon event and he’s putting a brave face on his “baptism”.

“I’m game for a bit of ritual humiliation as it’s all in aid of a good cause,” said Gerry, for whom the weathermen are forecasting a warm day with sunny intervals.

Potterne fete’s wet sponge sideshow will be child’s play. Image: Jill Newton.

Organisers have made the wet sponge stall double-sided so that children can have fun soaking their dads while Gerry takes a break to be towelled down.

“You can soak the vicar, soak your dad or soak your husband and we think that last option may be popular with a lot of wives,” said a fete spokesman.

The fete, at Little Mill Field, Mill Road, Potterne [SN10 5ND], will run from 1pm to 4pm and will also feature the popular plastic duck races in the adjoining stream, a dog show, barbecue, licensed bar, tea and cakes, a bottle tombola, a luxury food hamper draw and a variety of other stalls, games and sideshows.

Potterne Rector the Rev. Gerry Lynch prepares to get drenched at the village fete. Image: Jill Newton.



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Seend’s own Live Aid: The Female of the Species

Creators of original music who may psychologically build a hierarchy with them atop, tribute acts on the bottom and cover bands hovering somewhere between, tend not to prioritise what’s popular, whereas pub landlords value what will get the punters drinking, viewing it differently. Neither are correct, there is no right nor wrong in this, just opinion. But to witness The Female of the Species is to find the truth worth of a covers set….

I’d wager a majority at the Community Centre at Seend last night aren’t as fortunate as me to get to grassroots venues and witness the variety within our burgeoning music scene. They’ve been looking forward to this night out, they’re buzzing with anticipation, and to let the band know how much they’re appreciated. Thus the Female of the Species will endeavour to recreate the kind of songs to flush them with nostalgia and gift them with a memorable evening. They do this with so many bells on, they ring out a local annual occasion of monumental importance, and I’ll explain why.

Starter for ten, we’re gathered here to put the “fun” into fundraising. Each year these lovely ladies vote for a charity to donate to, after eight years must’ve raised an incalculable amount for worthy causes; Mind, Young Melksham, Wiltshire Air Ambulance, Carmela’s Stand Up to Muscular Dystrophy, to name a few, and in doing so received a Civic Award in 2019.

This year’s is Alzheimer’s Support, a countywide accredited charity and one I personally can associate with. My reasoning I won’t pester you with, as I did chewing the ears off the volunteers on the night! Supporting people living with all types of dementia, their services include award-winning day clubs and one-to-one home support, with over forty community activity groups including, Music for the Mind, Movement for the Mind, memory cafes, art groups, discussion groups, nature and gardening groups, all designed to keep minds and bodies active and reduce isolation.

Secondly, the Female of the Species aren’t a regular band per-say, rather a supergroup amalgamated from female-fronted local bands who annually assemble for this unmissable one off. Jules Moreton of Trowbridge’s Train to Skaville, Nicky Davis from People Like Us and The Reason, Julia Greenland from Soulville Express, Claire Perry from Big Mamma’s Banned, Charmaigne Andrews from Siren, and the unforgettable Train to Skaville saxophonist, Karen Porter. All being amazing performers in their own right, together they’re an unsurpassable force which appears more harmonic with each year that passes, despite having obligations to their individual bands. The result is something to behold, and this year was no exception.

Eighties night, best defined last night. Though I could argue the tagline, The MTV Years is ambiguous and not forgoing American, being few here had access to MTV in said decade, though “Top of the Pops Years” would’ve been equally enigmatic! None of which matters, over the plethora of eighties pop classics sublimely delivered by the unique troupe, opening with Jules leading on Glenn Frey’s The Heat is On, followed by Nicky on Tears For Fears’ Everybody Wants to Rule the World, to an apt finale of Sisters are Doing it for Themselves; of which they certainly were, and blowing the roof into Seend Cleeve and beyond.

Through Sledgehammer, Echo Beach, Addicted to Love, 99 Red Balloons, and every hit gen x cherished on a Now, That’s What I Call Music volume, Julia leading on Easy Lover, Claire’s Yazoo stint though dressed as Boy George, Char on Dude Looks Like a Lady, Nicky’s Cher turning back time, and a wonderful Blondie medley were among the highlights of a cooking first half alone, as the crowds realised why leg warmers at discos was a short lived trend!

Aha, the second half took on us, followed by more eighties classics than you could shake a Rubik’s Cube at, particularly adroit was The Bodysnatchers’ Do Rock Steady, Heart’s Alone, and naturally, Footloose

They gave Erasure respect, Nicky did a Tina Turner homage, but, wow, how Julia nailed Chaka Khan’s Ain’t Nobody. All this sprinkled with the fancy dress and usual stage banter associated with Female of the Species, as is, if I may be so chauvinistic, akin to any group of girls on a night out, a “gaggle” being a possible collective noun I’ll sure be hammered for suggesting! Undoing all my good work now, informing you this annual occasion is unmissable, but equally as important to keeping eyes peeled for next year’s, is to go gig searching on your circuit for the relevant bands these singers perform with. 

A superb night out in Seend, then, arguably nothing so different from previous years, but if it ain’t broke….

Support this year came from Sham-Trowbridge rock covers group Legacy, of which Jules’ sister fronts. With a powerful vocal range, they surprised me, wrongly assuming it would be heavy metal-ish, they opened with Jumpin Jack Flash, and built decades with everything from the Undertones’ Teenage Kicks and Nutbush City Limits, to Pink covers and Sex on Fire, finally wrapping an energetic and enjoyable set up with Summer of 69

If, just as the Female of the Species did too, every tune might be perceived as cliché classic hits, Legacy belted them out amazingly with precision and passion, tipped off, I guess, to what pushes this crowd’s buttons, and making for an engaging support to this utterly brilliant supergroup.

Geographically centroid to the Devizes, Melksham and Trowbridge triangle, Seend Community Centre makes for a great and spacious venue to host this, boasting a grand stage and acoustics, the bar is affordable, the staff are welcoming. Look out for forthcoming events there, including next Saturday’s beer-gulping, thigh-slapping Oktoberfest!


Talk in Code are All In for New Single

Swindon indie pop virtuosos Talk in Code released their brand new single, All In, Yesterday, via Regent Street Records. And We. Love. Talk in Code…

Female of the Species Announce 2023 Date!

For eight years on the trot, minus the lockdown year no one needs reminding of, local all-female supergroup, The Female of the Species have performed a one-off gig raising funds for various local charities; 2023 is no different as they announce this year’s will be on 21st October at Seend Community Hall….

It’s an amalgamation made in heaven. Five frontwomen of various local bands join in celebration, which is the sum of all their individual talent and a whole lot more. Nicky Davis from People Like Us and The Reason, Julia Greenland from Soulville Express & Delta Swing, Claire Perry from Big Mamma’s Banned & The Misfitz, Charmaigne Andrews from Siren, and Julie Moreton from Train to Skaville and Jules & The Odd Men make the line up, and if you’ve seen these any of these girls in action solo or with their own bands, you’ll know they’re all 100% dynamite; imagine this times five, forget the maths, the result is greater than 500%, an atomic detonation of wonderful!

I’ll see your examples of legends upstaging each other when on the same stage at the same time, as it’s fair to wonder how on earth something so right like Mike Jagger and David Bowie recording Dancing in the Street could’ve gone so utterly wrong, but raise you my assurance this is not the same ballpark here. The girls of Female of the Species work together in unison, back each other’s solos with such gusto, skill and friendship, it’s a sight to behold.

From Teen Talk to Young Melksham, and even once for Carmela’s Fight Against Muscular Dystrophy, Female of the Species must have raised tens of thousands of pounds by now, and received a civic award three years ago. Last year was a Halloween theme, this time the girls cover “the MTV years.” And will raise funds for Alzheimers Support.

I mean, yeah, it’s an assortment of sing-a-long covers, but with the adjoining of so much talent, it’s the unmissable cover show bursting with energy and fun you must see for yourself; the likes you only know if you know. Because of this ever growing need to know basis, it will sell out super fast, so….

Tickets are HERE.

The  Female of the Species throw absolutely everything they have at this annual event. With great support acts and on stage banter, it’s something to behold. Here at Devizine we congratulate and thank the girls and all involved in this annual event which has become as special on our local event calendar as Christmas day!


Female of the Species; Deadlier in Seend!

A glass half-full or half-empty scenario, to be at Seend Community Centre. The optimist in me ponders least it’s central, bang tidy between the Sham, Vizes and Trowvegas, or even if it matters if it is a wholly Seend affair, whatever; their Community Centre sure is a village venue to be proud of.

Neither am I here to dabble in petty town council politics. What’s been held at Melksham’s Assembly Hall for so many years and raised so much wonga for apt local charities, the local all-female supergroup Female of the Species’ outing now packed out the new place last night for their annual extravaganza, and as always, it’s a beautiful, highly entertaining shebang.

This time in aid of teenage advice organisation TeenTalk, the girls were adorned in costumes in a manner superior to anything gone before. With corresponding stage decor, they were looking absolute dynamite; gothic halloweenish, to suit the theme, and they knocked a series of sublime covers out of the park.

I mean yeah, with the look of celebrity divinity they charged the stage, opened with a more Bangles’ Hazy Shade of Winter than Simon & Garfunkel’s, followed it with Sledgehammer, but stars really came out on the third tune, with saxophonist Karen Porter’s matchless riff of Baker Street. Here the penny dropped for those not-in-the-know; Seend was aching towards a party in a calibre of magnitude, though I suspect many there were fully aware and prepped, the anticipation was positively buzzing.

The lesser capacity of this hall only breathing more atmosphere into their performance than ever previously. Yet either way in either hall, the frontwomen of these local bands, Jules of Trowbridge’s Train to Skaville, Nicky Davis from People Like Us and The Reason, Julia Greenland from Soulville Express, Claire Perry from Big Mamma’s Banned, and solo artist Charmaigne Andrews, never have a Jagger and Bowie moment of Dancing in the Street. That upstaging yearning simply doesn’t compute with them, and with every year which passes sees them more harmonious and in solidarity, save perhaps the customary saucy banter! It’s the reason why it’s as firm a fixture on my calendar as Christmas.

A covers night it maybe, but one of the highest qualities, with each singer adding their own genre preference into the cauldron. The method is this combined acquaintance, the magic is in the pop diversity they nimbly execute together. An example came quickly, when Jools led a floor-filling blast of Dawn Penn’s reworked rock steady classic, No, No, No. Through slight Halloween themed Hungry like Wolf and People are Strange, each tune was building into a continuingly improving pop compilation, arriving at an apex with a breathtakingly soulful version of The Faces’ Stay with Me, verging on Aretha-level of greatness.

But none of this happened before a superb support set of originals by young Trowbridge country-pop singer-songwriter Becky Lawrence, who, donned in a tiny witch’s hat and accompanied by warlock-looking guitarist Dylan Smith (more on this chap at a later date) treated us to her crystal-clear vocals and acute observational wordsmithing. Particularly poignant was her single, Loud and 17, even if seventeen is a long-vapourised recollection for me personally! Such was the performance; both these musicians are bleeping promptly on my radar.

With the thought of Jools returning with her band, Train to Skaville for New Year’s Eve this year, as The Female of the Species blasted through their catalogue of wonderful covers, it draws a double line under Seend Community Centre as a seriously contending venue and their lively and diverse range of events. Quality night, as to be expected based on past experience, but with an added bonus of a Halloween spooky theme and in a new venue; enough for me to don some zombie slap, which promptly melted off my face in the heat of the dancefloor moment!


Lady Nade at Devizes Arts Festival

If the opening Friday evening of Devizes Arts Festival was amazing for lively pirate-punk craziness, Saturday night was too for precisely opposite reasons. Bristol’s soulstress…

LilyPetals Debut EP

One of many young indie bands which impressed me at Bradford Roots Festival, and proof there’s more than the name suggests at The Wiltshire Music…

Courting Ghosts Debut Album: Falling My Friend

Images used with kind permission of Pacific Curd Photography West Wilts and Somerset folk-rock collective Courting Ghosts are about to release their debut album, Falling…

Female of the Species Back For Halloween

The annual all-female local supergroup get-together is annouced for the Halloween weekend, at a new venue, Seend Community Centre.

Nicky Davis from People Like Us and The Reason, Julia Greenland from Soulville Express & Delta Swing, Claire Perry from Big Mamma & The Misfitz, solo artist Charmaigne Andrews, and Julie Moreton from Trowbridge’s Train to Skaville and Jules & The Odd Men, form the Civic Award-winning supergroup The Female of the Species. I’ll let you in on a secret if you’ve not been to one of their six annual gigs, it’s a party not to be missed.

Halloween costumes optional, but you can guarantee the girls will be dressed up for their annual fundraising extravaganza.

Last year’s event raised a staggering £1,763 for the Therapy Fund of Devizine’s other superheroine, Carmela Chillery-Watson. This time around the girls said, “it’s so difficult to choose from all the incredible charities that apply to us every year, but this year, with the way mental health has been such a huge topic, particularly amongst our younger generations, we have gone with TeenTalk.”

TeenTalk is the early help and support service, run by Young Melksham. TeenTalk’s mission is to reduce and relieve the suffering and distress, and to improve the emotional wellbeing, of young people and their families throughout North and West Wiltshire.

The date for this seventh spectacular is set for Saturday 29th October 2022, now moved to Seend Community Centre, famous for their epic beer festivals.There will be a support act, yet to be confirmed, but doors open at 7pm for drinks, and Female of the Species take to the stage at 8:30pm. Get your tickets here.

Seend to get Jazzy!

If I’ve been bragging about trekking to Trow-Vegas this weekend for musical indulgence, next weekend you don’t even need to journey that far to get a dosage, just that direction…..

Halfway house, the lovely village of Seend, with its wonderful Community Centre on the Green hosts a roaring twenties jazz party, next Saturday (20th November.)  And what was an £11 ticket stub is free, if you share and tag your friends in this here Facebook post. Each friend tagged will gain you an entry into the prize draw – the more friends tagged, the greater the chance of winning (Terms and conditions apply.)

A Bristol-based ragtime jazz band, Trip For Biscuits, with Charlie Minty offering a Charleston dance workshop, this roaring evening will transport you back to the 1920’s, an era of speakeasies, prohibition and feather boas, and DJ Meaze will then be on hand to keep the party going until late.

Fancy Dress is also encouraged to get everyone in the mood, and 1920’s Cocktails and Nibbles will be available to purchase on the evening. Tickets are here. “Awl, applesauce!” 


Father’s Day; Keeping Ideas Local

Whether he’s sofa slouching with his one hand down his pants the other clasping a beer, watching classic Euro finals and yelping like it’s happening now, or digging up weeds in the garden, proudly displaying his builder’s butt, don’t forget your Dad this Father’s Day…..

ON SUNDAY! I confess, I did one year, and live to regret it now he’s gone; insert sad emoji. Though it’s a man-thing for banter to ride over showing our emotion, if you’re not a dad yourself you’re excused for thinking it’s all a commercial con and your dad doesn’t want the attention, and all they did, after all, was the naughty bit. You are wrong though, I’m afraid. It does mean a lot to those dadas and father figures, believe me.

Remember we live to embarrass you in public, that’s why we have those sandals and oversized khaki shorts, but we do it because we care! So, you’ve a few more days to get it together, shops are reopening, I urge you keep it local, but what can you do to show him, through all his faults, you love and respect that balding misunderstood numpty?! Here’s some ideas….

Cards and Gifts!

Yep, easy one, innit? Top of the list though. Keeping it local, nip down the High Street, Devizes, and find Expressions Card Shop. They have reopened, and have all the cards, balloons and gifts you could ever want to shower your pops with.

Another cool place to check out, antiques and vintage shop Ele’s Emporium in Seend, they suggest some homemade beer coasters which would save your mum having to moan at him for beer rings on her bespoke coffee table; you know he’ll try to blame it on you otherwise!


Or make something yourself, the Wiltshire Scrapstore & Resource Centre  have everything the creative need to construct something truly unique. The scrapstore is a wonderful, eco-friendly charity whose aim is to promote learning through creativity. And if it all fails and you’re covered head-to-toe in double-sided sticky tape, gifts can also be found in Barty’s next door at Bowden Hill, Lacock!

Buy him a Record or CD!

Nip to Vinyl Realm, even if you don’t know what music the old fellow is into; experts Pete and Jacki will be able to advise, and nab yourself a long player that’ll take your dear ol’ pops back to a far off time when he was young; just take a step back if he attempts to belt out Cracklin’ Rosie or show off his dad-dancing; it’s never a pretty sight!


Beer and Snacks!

I admit some Batman socks once got me a tad excited, but usually socks are a cliché yawn. Beer, that’s what he wants, and snacks to go with it. The Vaults in Devizes and Piggy Bank in Calne offer Father’s Day boxes of such necessities, and they’ll deliver them on Saturday or Sunday. Order on their respective websites and you can benefit from the amusement of watching Dad get sloshed.

The Southgate is also available to get take-outs, might be a plan; check with your favourite boozer to see who’s also doing take-outs; Dads are raring to get back down the pub, so you could be onto a winner with this idea. Mathematically the equation is thus: Dad + Beer = Happy Dad.

Tea for Two!

I don’t know about you, but I’m happy with any food, and I’m a dad; must be something in that notion. The Happy Food Company of Devizes have put together a special afternoon tea for Father’s Day, fresh delivered to your door on the day.

Cake selection, Coffee and walnut cake, Guinness and chocolate cake, large pork sausage roll, scone, jam and cream, loose tea from teainc and at £20 for 2. Mum will love it too, even if it’s not her special day!

A Takeaway Roast Dinner!

Who’s got one of those Dads who is always in the kitchen? Yeah, thought not! Still, might benefit him if mum’s in a good mood; get a takeaway roast dinner from the Pelican in Devizes; wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Best way to a man’s heart. Roast pork, chicken or stuffed Portabello mushroom with blue cheese sauce and lovely home made desserts. Vouchers can be redeemed for up to one year, and they have Take Away Mid Week Specials from around the World!



While we’re on grub, Dads love ‘em, simple as. Savannah’s Sweets in Devizes have reopened, and still do takeaway orders for home delivery. It’s an idea, save him nicking your Haribo, after all.



Every Dad is, in some way, like Yogi Bear, and love a pic-a-nic. Over at Lower Farm, home to Rowdey Cows and Spotty Dogs, they’re having a socially distancing picnic; the shop has everything you need to make it as swanky as you like, and the café is open for teas, coffees, and of course, it goes without saying; ice cream! The Spotty Dog also has a male grooming gift sets as a secondary idea. So, if your dad has adopted the Planet of the Apes look over the lockdown, this might be the very idea.

Have a BBQ!

Dad and barbeque, like horse and carriage. Butchers HF Stiles in Bromham have a mixed grill pack especially for Father’s Day

Avebury’s Gourmet Goat Farmer have some gift bags for a delicious goat-based barbeque. Complete with a goat-themed greetings card, and goat burgers, brioche rolls, goats’ cheese, and a selection of locally sourced salad items, the first 10 orders get a FREE bottle of Ramsbury Brewery beer thrown in too!



Amelia-Rose Creations in Trowbridge has lots of nice ideas, including some brilliant framed worded pieces with Lego superheroes on, get in faster than a speeding brick train though.

Sugar & Spice Bows is another great online crafter with some idea for Father’s Day, their keyrings might not get to you on time, but would be make a great belated gift!


And never forget our Naz at Cositas Bonitas, crazy little craft shop in Sidmouth Street, Devizes. While I cannot see they’ve anything specific for Dads, they’ll guaranteed to have endless ideas in there.

Get a book from a local author!

No point in doing this article without a shameless slice of self-promotion! Buy a paperback or Kindle version of the five-star rated sci-fi comedy, White Space Van Man by yours truly; it’s right up his street, lots of rude words, and it’ll keep him quiet for weeks, save for a perpetual bout of belly-laughs!


Let him eat CAKE!

Devizes-based TrayCake will deliver a Father’s Day treat box to a five-mile radius and, mate, I’ve checked their website, only browsed the photos, but I’ll be dribbling for the foreseeable future.

Secretly though I know what I’m getting, thus is the plight of being father, the invoice was emailed to me! I wasn’t going to mention it, because within half-hour of going online they were sold out. The good news is though, The Gourmet Brownie Kitchen at Poulshot Lodge has a new batch of Father’s Day Treat boxes. OMG and other such exclamation abbreviations, had some of these at the Devizes Food Festival; see, my kids know how to push my buttons. Although I’ll probably have lock myself in the downstairs loo if I think I’ve any chance of stuffing them all!


My work here is done. For the good of all Dad’s out there, the ones who deserve more than a Lynx deodorant set, but probably need one, have a great day! See you down the pub soon, alright?!

Seend Bags World Famous, Award-Winning Folk duo for Night of High-Class Entertainment!

By Zoe McMillan

Rural Arts brings to the village of Seend in November, an internationally acclaimed act in the form of folk duo, Sean Lakeman and Kathryn Roberts.