Devizes to Get Cheese & Chilli Festival

Cheese, Chilli, in a festival format was on the cards at a Devizes Town Council meeting this week.….

The Market Manager is in communication with a company to attend Devizes, for a possible Cheese and Chilli Festival in 2023. As of yet details are unconfirmed, but if a cheese and chilli festival is something you’d stomach, you should let them know by shouting “cheese and chilli!” whenever you see a passing town councillor!

Cheese and Chilli Festivals are popular, held annually in locations throughout the south of England, including Christchurch, Winchester, Swindon and Guildford. They support live variety acts, like the rather apt fire juggling, and music, and would be a welcome addition to our town’s event calendar. But don’t don your sombrero yet, amigo, just keep fingers crossed.

“I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire,” Johnny Cash (after a chesse & chili festival.)